JPython status

Cameron Laird claird at
Tue Sep 26 14:00:08 EDT 2000

In article <8qb2o7$cf5$1 at>,  <ndonti at> wrote:
>I was wondering about the status of JPython.  There has been nothing on
> since a long time.
There will be, though.

That's my personal opinion, at least.

Think for a moment about the Python release, and
all the energy that went into 1.6 vs. 2.0 and re-
lated licensing issues.  Suppose there are people
who understand how cool and important JPython is,
yet, to make the best of their energy, they decide
to say nothing about the work they're doing on it
until it's more "ripe".  They would want you to
know that JPython has a healthy future ahead of
it, but they can't say anything for at least a 
few more weeks.

Perhaps such a speculation is even true.  Myself,
I'd be willing to bet it is.

You are right that <URL:>
feels stale.  It won't always be that way, though,
from the rumors I hear.

Cameron Laird <claird at>

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