Public Domain Python

Tim Peters tim_one at
Thu Sep 14 01:09:30 EDT 2000

[Harry George]
> Could the site put up a web page (or section) which
> shows:

CNRI runs that website, so you'll have to ask them.  Good luck.

[a list of things they don't have the Python expertise left to do even
 if they wanted to]

> ...
> At any rate, the implementors should stop adding to the CNRI hoard.

That already stopped (release 1.6 was the last from CNRI).  Now it's being
added to the "hoard".

> If the cycle can't be broken, I need to know so I can stop moving
> coworkers to python (20 so far, and more coming).

Sorry, but it's unclear what it is you fear here.  The Python work done at will remain at worst Open Source; Guido got their promise on that
before he went there, and will soon have binding legal papers guaranteeing
that.  Indeed, each one of the PythonLabs folks will have their own legal
papers guaranteeing that so that there's no question at all down the road.
Guido isn't leaving this to trust anymore.

we'll-turn-him-into-an-american-yet<wink/sigh>-ly y'rs  - tim

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