Python 2.0b1 is released!

Suchandra Thapa ssthapa at
Tue Sep 12 13:00:47 EDT 2000

Tim Peters <tim_one at> wrote:
>[Suchandra Thapa]
>> I would be more worried if CNRI wanted their license to be interpeted
>> under some state that they have no connection with.
>I do wish people could refrain from reading so much into these twiddly
>little details of the license.  This is a great case in point:  *if* it
>turns out that the FSF has some particular problem with Virginia law, but
>wouldn't with, for example, New York law, I bet CNRI might just go along
>with changing that.  They simply don't want the license interpreted in
>near-arbitrary ways by random yahoo courts.  choice-of-law clauses are
>common as dirt, apparently because they work.

    I agree that people in the Open Source community especially those on 
Slashdot tend to see conspiracies where there are none. But in the example,
I was giving I was assuming that there were no reasons for choosing another
state over Virginia. After all, it would seem odd if CNRI choose a random state
for the interpetation clause when their lawyers are most familiar with Virginia
law. If there reasons, e.g. GPL compatibility, I wouldn't have any concerns 
over CNRI choosing another state.

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