gnuplot and

Bernhard Reiter breiter at usf.Uni-Osnabrueck.DE
Wed Sep 13 09:21:12 EDT 2000

In article <awwv5.520$hE.26858 at>,
	"Carl Johan Rehn" <carljohan.rehn at> writes:
> I have installed gnuplot and on my Windows 2000 machine, but I
> cannot manage to get them to work together. Is there anybody out there which
> could give me a helping hand? Are there any path-specific tasks or something
> else that I have forgotten?

Have not done it yet, but the problem most likely is:
	The windows gnuplot binary cannot read input from a pipe.
	(Due to a Windows weakness.)
But there should be something like pgnuplot which can.
You might change the pipe call of to pgnuplot and see.

On the other hand you should give more details of what you have
done and what does not work so people can help you better.

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