How do I cut out a piece of text?

Fredrik Lundin m94lufr at
Thu Sep 14 04:09:47 EDT 2000


I want to cut out a piece of text and put it in a new file.
Lets say that the text looks like this (VRML transform nodes):

  DEF faceA Transform {
   children Shape {
    appearance Appearance { material USE Testobjekt_0 }
    geometry USE faceA_0Geo
  DEF faceB Transform {
   children Shape {
    appearance Appearance { material USE Testobjekt_0 }
    geometry USE faceB_0Geo
  DEF faceC Transform {
   children Shape {
    appearance Appearance { material USE Testobjekt_0 }
    geometry USE faceC_0Geo

I would like to put this plart into a new file:

  DEF faceB Transform {
   children Shape {
    appearance Appearance { material USE Testobjekt_0 }
    geometry USE faceB_0Geo

Could someone help me with this?
I have tried quite alot to accomplish it, but I can't seem to eliminate the
stuff ahead of the wanted text portion.


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