Lye - a COM to SOAP gateway...

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Fri Sep 15 00:46:38 EDT 2000

The newest version of Lye is at .
I've put in Alex's suggestions, so here's the VB example:

Sub TestSOAP()
  Set factory = CreateObject("Lye.Factory")
  Set soap = factory("http://localhost:8000")
  MsgBox soap.echo("Andrew")
End Sub

Because VB is case-insensitive, and lye forces lowercase, I'm testing
out a way to allow upper case.  Suppose the SOAP interface requires
"toFahrenheit" for a function to convert temperature scales, and it
must be in that case.


would fail because Lye converts the "toFahrenheit" call into "tofahrenheit".
Instead, use

  soap("toFahrenheit", 100.0)

I chose this syntax because there's no way to confuse one type of call
with the other.  It also allows calls to SOAP methods which aren't legal
VB or Python spellings.

>> Actually, I'm thinking of using the factory object as a simple
>> service locater, so 'factory.Service("xmethods-Temperature")'
>> returns, say, the SOAP interface to the weather lookup service
>> mentioned at .  If I knew what it was
>> talking about.  :)
>A very good idea, it seems to me.

That's down the road when I get some time again.  As it is, I've
put the code in the public domain, so feel free to do what you with
with it.  Please!  (As I've said, I don't know much about SOAP nor
COM nor VB.)

                    dalke at

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