What does AttributeError mean?

Dale Strickland-Clark dale at out-think.NOSPAMco.uk
Thu Sep 21 17:50:17 EDT 2000

Alex <cut_me_out at hotmail.com> wrote:

>Could you show us the class?  AttributeError usually means that you're
>trying to refer to an attribute that the parent object doesn't have.  My
>guess is that you were experimenting with an instance of the class in
>the interpreter, and forgot to update the instance when you changed the

I've sussed it, thanks.

It was poxy tabs/spaces mismatch. I've not been caught by that before.

I've never liked this dangling block structure and I never will. 

Thanks for your help, anyway.

Dale Strickland-Clark
Out-Think Ltd
Business Technology Consultants

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