Compiling Python 1.6 under MacOS X ...

jpb jpb at
Sun Sep 24 20:19:26 EDT 2000

In article <mailman.969771095.26179.python-list at>, "Tim 
Peters" <tim_one at> wrote:

>> MacOS X uses HFS+ as it's filesystem by default.  HFS+ suffers from case
>> insensitivity.
>So do all Windows filesystems, Python builds and runs fine on all flavors 
>Windows, and has since '91.  So, like I said, I have no idea what the new
>problem may be with OSX.  For every pair of distinct files X and Y in the
>distribution, if X and Y are in the same directory, the names of X and Y
>differ by more than just case.  Or, if that's not true, it's a Unix(tm) 
>that doesn't affect Windows <wink>.

The problem 1.5.2 was that there is a Python subdirectory in the same 
directory that python gets built in


Joseph Block <jpb at>
"Any government that is powerful enough to give you everything you want,
 is powerful enough to take away everything you have."
 - Barry Goldwater

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