Python 2.0b1 is released!

John W. Baxter jwbnews at
Thu Sep 7 19:30:49 EDT 2000

In article <slrn8reja0.2bt.scarblac-spamtrap at>, 
scarblac-rt at wrote:

> Not repeating the expression surely makes it more readable. And splitting
> it up into two commands make it two lines (more reading), gives a variable
> in your namespace (so add a del, or keep readers of your code wondering
> if it's used later on), is slower, and there's this thing called augmented
> assignment which does exactly the same thing.
> I think += is great, have been missing it a long time.

I was using languages other than C long before C appeared, and (and I 
didn't do anything with C for another 15 years or so).  The augmented 
assignments are not "natural" for me.

I know they are for others, and I don't mind Python having them (I would 
not have campaigned for them, and didn't).  Fortunately, they are 
optional (as they are in C), so I can use them only when I want to.


John W. Baxter   Port Ludlow, WA USA  jwbnews at

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