Public Domain Python

Tim Peters tim_one at
Sun Sep 10 04:39:37 EDT 2000

[Pat McCann]
> ...
> It's a shame that Guido couldn't have gotten a lot of code into
> the thing under many people's copyrights - then it would have been
> very difficult to change the license.)

Given that you hold copyright whether you say so or not, by now likely
hundreds of people hold copyright on bits & pieces all over Python's
implementation.  But if any contributor hates the new CNRI license enough to
put up a stink about it on that basis, I haven't heard about it.  Guido did
ask contributors who thought their rights were in danger to speak up.
AFAIK, nobody did.

BTW, while you had some entertaingly cynical observations about the License
FAQ answers, I thought you *liked* the new license!

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