Python and ISPs

hoopy_frood at hoopy_frood at
Thu Sep 21 18:39:33 EDT 2000

Responding to my own post here, as the plot has progressed a bit.  When a
programmer on the staff of my ISP saw that I was willing to move to a
different one over the Python issue, he went into action.  They've set up a
development server to test for potential security issues and seem to be
making every reasonable effort to get Python Powered in a few days.

If it works out, then we can score one point for guerilla advocacy!  In the
meantime, thanks for the responses so far, as I plan to follow up on them and
publish my conclusions about the whole experience on my PIGgie site, which is
presently located at:


In article <39C7CC4F.1BB3EC6E at>,
  "R. A." <griff at> wrote:
> My current ISP doesn't allow the use of Python scripts for personal web
> pages, and since they don't seem to be terribly interested in my
> attempts to bring them around, I'm looking for a new ISP.
> My question is this: Since I may have to educate a few people in my
> attempts to find the right ISP for me, what are the requirements for
> running Python on the server?  My plans do not include secure
> transactions or any enterprise applications, but relatively simple
> scripts I can use for personal home pages.
> Any insight would be helpful.
> Rob Andrews

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