Zope password problem

Mathias Magdowski Magdowski at t-online.de
Sat Sep 23 12:58:31 EDT 2000


I'm using
Zope Version: Zope 2.2.0 (binary release, python 1.5.2, win32-x86)
Python version: 1.5.2 (#0, Jul 30 1999, 09:52:18) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)]
System Platform: win32
on my Win98 computer and I have the following problem:
If I add a user with a passwort and save this user, I can't login with this
username and password.
If I login as superuser and click again on this user, there a password with
9 * and a confirm password with 8 *. Why doesn't Zope save the correct

                        Mathias Magdowski

e-mail: Magdowski at t-online.de
web: http://home.t-online.de/home/magdowski
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