Pyton 1.6's license

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at
Fri Sep 8 10:54:29 EDT 2000

>>>>> "KK" == Ken Kinder <kkinder at> writes:

    KK> I'm a little worried about Debian not packaging Python 1.6
    KK> because RMS feels so strongly (it's RMS) that it isn't
    KK> compatible with GPL. I release Python GPL code and don't feel
    KK> it's incompatible, but it could be damaging to either Debian,
    KK> Python, or both if it can't be packaged.  Can't Python 1.6 be
    KK> licensed under more than one license like Perl?


You should email CNRI's Dr. Kahn <kahn at> with your
concerns.  Explain to him what your project is all about, and why it
is threatened under the CNRI license.  Feel free to be polite but
insistent <wink>.


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