What is Python?

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at vet.uu.nl
Fri Sep 15 08:54:04 EDT 2000

Tim Hammerquist <tim at degree.ath.cx> wrote:
[snip valid points about Python and Perl]

> Now an explanation:
> 	I'm new to this NG, and I hope I haven't stepped on too many feet
> 	right off the bat.

Hey, this is a nice newsgroup! Currently plagued by interminable debates
about software liscences, true, but that wasn't by choice! :)

Besides, my feet at least didn't notice anything in your post that they feel
stepped on about.

> 	For this reason, I refuse to choose sides as the emacs vs. vi folks
> 	do.  I resolve to do my best to be fair and balanced (though I'm an
> 	admitted vi man).  I'm not afraid to type a few extra lines, though
> 	I do enjoy seeing how one line of perl can do.  I'm not afraid to
> 	call a spade a shovel, but I'd really rather not use a spade to dig
> 	a reservoir. =)

Hah (insert evil cackle here), you say this *now*, but you'll find you'll
be doing more and more in Python, slowly seduced to the dark side.. 

Anyway, I never went through this process myself as I discovered Python
a few days after I started wrestling with Perl, and I never looked back,
but I've seen enough posts by people coming from Perl by now. The report
usually is that those people don't write much more than 1-liners (or at
least sub-10 liners) in Perl anywamore. So, you are warned. :)

> Um, that was probably a bit too much about me.  Sorry.

You should see the stuff I post. :)

> *grabs flame-proof armor*  =)

Again, no need!


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