can i use the python in apache like PHP??

Michal Wallace sabren at
Fri Sep 22 09:36:42 EDT 2000

On Thu, 21 Sep 2000, ykchew wrote:

>  I need to develop cgi with apache server and i would like to know
> whether the python can be use for it or not?? (like apache + PHP)...
> and how is the performance compare to other script language on
> apache...

Sure it can.

I had a shopping cart written in PHP3, and made the hard decision to
switch languages a few months back. Performance was a definite
question in my mind, so I made a little cgi/web script in each of php3
and python, and tried calling each with a timer about a hundred times
to benchmark. I don't recall the exact numbers, but python compared
favorably, and I made the switch.

At the time, the only real web libraries I knew about for python were
zope and the cgi library that comes bundled with it.. Neither were 
really what I was looking for, and so I made weblib, which is very
much like the PHP3 base classes.. It might come in handy if you're
coming from that model.. 


- Michal

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