editing in Unicode

Bertilo Wennergren bertilow at hem.passagen.se
Thu Sep 7 05:22:32 EDT 2000

Unicode text strings are supposed to be written thus:

  unistr = u'\u0660\u2000ab ...'

That's a bit inconvenient if a lot of text strings use mostly 
characters that have to be represented as "\uxxxx".

What if I want to edit my Python code directly in a Unicode text 
editor that can display all characters I want to use, and that can 
save the code in utf-8 or utf-16? How do I write my text strings 
so the compiler gets it right?

I'm a complete beginner at Python, but I always check out the 
possibilities and limits of Unicode first when I start learning 
something like this. I have read the docs, but they're not all that 
clear on this.

                         Bertilo Wennergren
                     <bertilow at hem.passagen.se>

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