socket problem?

Zajcev Evgeny lg at
Wed Sep 13 09:33:51 EDT 2000

David Bolen <db3l at> writes:

> Zajcev Evgeny <lg at> writes:
> > I dont want to use socket allready connected to some host:port
> But that's what the protocol TCP is - a stream protocol which
> establishes a connection, then manages a stream of data over that
> connection, and then tears down the connection.  I think there may be
> some basic mis-understanding as to what TCP is doing.
> > I just need to send 1 tcp/ip packet to someone(i generate this
> > packet according tcp/ip protocols)
> There's really no such thing as sending one TCP packet to someone.  To
> send any data under control of TCP you first form a connection to the
> remote connection point (which is identified by host and port) - this
> very process involves several "packets".
hm, okay but what is if I do

import socket
ipsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_IP)
ipsock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)

thats mean that all IP headers inluded in sending/receiving packets
and I can generate IP packet
 |                 IP header                            |
 |     IP data = TCP header + TCP data                  |
and sendto() it.
> Once you have the connection, you can send any amount of data - the
> data may be broken into independent IP packets beneath the scenes (TCP
> runs over IP) but at the TCP layer there really isn't a concept of a
> packet - it's just a stream of data.  When you're done sending, you
> close the connection.
> TCP as a protocol is built to ensure that the data you send reaches
> the other side in the same order that you transmitted it.  To do this,
> it may retransmit data, and has to manage the connection between the
> two endpoints.  So you must initially form the connection - after that
> you can request data be transmitted, but you have no real control over
> the underlying IP packets - TCP sends them as needed to get your data to
> the other end of the connection.
> > i've mistaken in my previos post
> > i dont assign port that socket use to connect
> > but when i do it right i got
> > that when i try to sendto(packet, (host, port)) my packet appended
> > as tcp data field and all IP and TCP headers generated automaticly
> > similary to send(packet) in allready connected socket
> Well, the TCP and IP headers will always be automatically generated by
> the underlying protocol system no matter how you inject your data
> (which is placed in the payload of the protocol).
TCP headers included only if I cant do socket.setsockopt(<socket>, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)

and this thing works only if socket type is SOCK_RAW
but, I can avoid generating IP headers.
> But for a connection oriented protocol (TCP is a connection oriented,
> stream protocol, while something like UDP is connectionless, and
> datagram oriented), the sendto() function is the same as the send()
> function - any addressing information should be ignored as the socket
> will already have been connected to the remote session.
> > before it i think that sendto doesnt invoke any ip encoding,
> > just put it with transmition module.
> To some extent, yes, both send() and sendto() just pass on their data
> to the underlying protocol to be encapsulated within any appropriate
> header information necessary.  sendto() has the added ability to
> communicate new address information for connectionless protocols (like
> UDP) that are not fixed to a single endpoint.
> If what you really want to do is send a small fixed amount of data to
> a remote endpoint using TCP, you must:
>   * Grab a socket (socket)
>   * Bind it locally (bind).  This makes it usable as an endpoint of
>     communication.
>   * Connect the socket to the remote endpoint (connect)
>   * Send the data (send or sendto)
>   * Close the socket (shutdown/close)
> This process is repeated for new connections.
> If what you want to do is truly send a single datagram to a remote
> endpoint, then you need to use a datagram protocol such as UDP, in
> which case you could simplify the above to:
>   * Grab a socket (socket)
>   * Bind it locally (bind)
>   * Send the data to any location (sendto)
> and repeat the sending to other locations with the same 

PS: I mention that sendto() method works defferently for
different socket types.


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