SWIG help for newbie

howard at eegsoftware.com howard at eegsoftware.com
Mon Sep 25 13:02:18 EDT 2000

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 13:37:59 GMT, Charles Medcoff
<cmedcoff at sprynet.com> wrote:

>Thanks for the tip.  This did eliminate the include problem.  The
>linker problem remains.
Sorry, I didn't read closely enough.  Even though it's not EXPLICITLY
stated in the Embedding and Extending manual section, I believe you
need to have an entry point called 'initspam' where 'spam' is the NAME
of our module.  This is the named point called by the import loader.

>By the way, the version of SWIG that I have is reported as SWIG Version
>1.3u-20000618-1136 (Alpha 3).  The zip file was named Swig1.3a3NT.zip.
>This would seem to imply that the problem has not been fixed in 1.3x.
>I'm using this because it is the latest version that includes a binary
>for the windows platform. (I've got enough problems trying to build
>python and my extension, I don't want to tackle building SWIG also.)
SWIG 1.3a4 worked for me.  I built just fine on VC6 SP3.
But, I know how you feel because I had to take on CVS, SWIG, Python
extentions, and an in-development library all at once.  I am still
plugging away learning lots of new thingeys.  SWIG was the easy part.

Howard Lightstone
howard at eegsoftware.com

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