[ANNOUNCE] SICKnotes v0.6e

sp00fD sp00fD at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 18 15:50:27 EDT 2000

SICKnotes is a web-based "Site Inventory, Configuration, and Knowledge"
tool written in Python, using the MySQL database. It's meant to help
Systems (hopefully network eventually) administrators to track changes,
share knowledge and inventory anything from a small shop to a data
center.  It is licensed under the GPL.

I'd love it if someone wanted to hack on this a bit.

In case anyone is interested, here's the "TODO" list:
TODO (by priority):
	== Figure out how to allow modules so that people can create
		their own "types" (i.e. router, and router should be
		described as ...), as opposed to the current static
                  method which is insufficient and tries to cover the
                  addition of systems, disks, tape libraries, and other
                  using one form definition.

	== Get a grasp on real session management, the current
		works, but is fairly crappy and not secure.  Help with
		would be appreciated!

	== Order the Configuration Management pulldown by type.

	== Port to other databases.

	== Maybe add an auto-discover feature or something.

        == Optimize everything.  I'm really not convinced that this is
                an application that needs to be optimized.  If a few
                people out there tell me that they're having performance
                problems I'll change my attitude.  One thing that I'm
                thinking about is splitting the SICKnotes table into
                at least 2 tables (1 for CM, 1 for KB), or possibly one
                dynamically created table for each topic.  The reason
                that there's only 1 table now is for convenience, but
                seeing as there is a 2GB limit on table size in MySQL
                I think that breaking that table down would be a good
                idea, and trivial.  Why haven't I done it yet then you
		ask, I told you...I'm an Admin and therefore lazy! ;)

	== I'm not a programmer, I'm a Unix Administrator, so please
		free to critique me on anything and everything.

	== If you have an idea about how something could be done better,
		let me know!

	== Please contribute code if you would like. I would prefer it
		if you would let me know what you changed and why also
		(not for any reason other than so I can learn from
		my mistakes).

	== This should port easily to Oracle, DB2 or whatever, feel free
		to try.  The semantics of the SICKsql.py module is the
		only change that would be needed (well, the dbinstall

	== The code is probably not commented, or not commented well,
		sorry, but as most Admins, I'm very lazy ;).

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