PythonWin IDE sucks!

Thaddeus L. Olczyk olczyk at
Fri Oct 27 17:50:34 EDT 2000

On Fri, 27 Oct 2000 20:06:35 +0100, Dale Strickland-Clark
<dale at> wrote:

>I've just received this by email:
>"As a friend of the person who wrote PythonWin, I didn't see anything
>lighthearted about your message at all and although I have some ideas
>to help you improve your situation, there is no way I am going to
>bother unless you apologize. I suspect a lot of very knowledgeable
>people reading the list feel the same way.
>Paul Prescod"
While not advocating your posts, I will say that this is a stupid
email. The guy probably doesn't have any clue how to help you and is
just bluffing to try to make you feel bad. Invariably some call for
help which turns into a flame war draws this exact response "I could
help but I won't because I think you are an asshole." The only thing I
think it accomplishes is to make the sender look stupid and the
community he represents look a little less intelligent overall.
I wish people would stop it.

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