Most Effective Way to Build Up a Histogram of Words?

Simon Brunning SBrunning at
Thu Oct 12 09:40:49 EDT 2000

> From:	June Kim [SMTP:junaftnoon at]
> What is the most effective way, in terms of the execution speed,
> to build up a histogram of words from a multiple of huge text
> files?
How huge? As a first cut, I'd try something like this (untested) -

file = open('yourfile.txt', r)
filedata =
histogram {}
for word in words:
	histogram[word] = histogram.get(word, 0) + 1
for word in histogram.keys():
	print 'Word: %s - count %s' % (word, str(histogram[word])

This should work unless the file is *really* huge, in which case you'll need
to read the file in a chunk at a time. But if you can squeeze the file in
one gulp, do so.

Simon Brunning
TriSystems Ltd.
sbrunning at

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