adding matrices of strings

Louis Luangkesorn lluang at
Wed Oct 4 17:43:21 EDT 2000

Is there a way to add matrices of strings?  In other words, if I have
matrices A and B, whose elements are strings, can i add them so I get C
= A + B where C[i,j] = concatonate(A[i,j], B[i,j])

It does not seem like the NumPy array accepts strings, and I was
thinking about adding lists of lists together, but all I get is the set
of lists in A with the lists in B.

the other thing I need to do is to take that matrix A, and pull a
particular element from it (without removing that element like a
a.pop(x) would do)


Louis Luangkesorn
lluang at
Who am I? They mock me, these lonely questions of mine. Whoever I am,
Thou knowest, O God, I am thine.
        - Dietrich Bonhoeffer "Who am I?"

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