copy_reg problem - UPDATE! PLEASE READ!

Martin von Loewis loewis at
Sun Oct 8 12:23:28 EDT 2000

"Rainer Deyke" <root at> writes:

> Appearantly copy_reg.pickle only works for types, not classes (despite the
> documentation saying otherwise). 

I'd say the documentation is wrong, not the code.

> I really need this to work for class instances for two reasons:
>   1. It allows me to later replace a class with a C extension type.

Can you please elaborate? What is it that you want to do, and why is
that a good thing?

>   2. It allows me to "merge" objects from different pickles.

Again, I don't understand. In what way do you want to merge objects
from different pickles, and why is there no other way to achieve the
same effect?

> Any other ideas or suggestions?

Hard to say, since I still don't see the problem you are trying to solve.


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