[Python-Dev] RE: [Numpy-discussion] RE: Possible bug (was Re: numpy, overflow, inf, ieee, and rich comparison)

Huaiyu Zhu hzhu at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 12 19:52:51 EDT 2000

On Thu, 12 Oct 2000 19:24:18 +0200, hinsen at dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr
<hinsen at dirac.cnrs-orleans.fr> wrote: 
>So how about making this a run-time option? I'd choose exceptions by
>default and Infs and Nans by specifying a command-line option, but
>there are certainly others who would prefer it the other way round.
>What matters most to me is that the choice is possible somehow.

So there is complete harmony here from number-crunchers. :-)
Here's just a little thought about how that might be done:

In mathmodule.c define math_1_check, math_1_nocheck, math_2_check, and
math_2_nocheck.  Let math_1=math_1_check as default, if you will.

If I want a different behavior, I could do:
import math
math.math_1 = math.math_1_nocheck
math.math_2 = math.math_2_nocheck

Or even a function the sets this up for me:

I don't know how much runtime overhead this would be.  Does it only involve
one extra C function call or does it involve a Python function call?

The advantage is that this is completely under user control, in a level that
is platform independent, and the user only needs to set the default once per
python session, but he could also change it as many times as he want.


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