freeze bugs

Charles Medcoff cmedcoff at
Thu Oct 5 16:44:31 EDT 2000

I didn't know where else to go with this.  Hopefully somebody here will
notice this and take the appropriate action.

I would also point out that I find that the documentation on freeze is
kind of thin.  If anyone knows of other source of info about freeze
including use on the win32 platform, I'd greatly appreciate a link.

Below is the daily digest for the win32 extensions mailing list.
(Slightly snipped to reduce size.) It contains information that I
believe maybe a bug in source from the python distribution (1.6b1)
related to freeze.

Today's Topics:

  1. freeze and win32 extensions (Charles Medcoff)
  2. Re: freeze and win32 extensions (Toby Dickenson)
  3. Re: freeze and win32 extensions (Charles Medcoff)
  4. Re: freeze and win32 extensions (Phil Mayes)


Message: 1
From: "Charles Medcoff" <cmedcoff at>
To: <win32-reg-users at>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 10:24:24 -0400
Subject: [win32all] freeze and win32 extensions

I am making my first attempts at using freeze.  I'm using Python 1.6b1.

I've been able to use to generate source, the makefile and
have successfully frozen a script.  When I run the script I get some
unexpected screen output:

Initialising 'pywintypes'
Initialising 'pythoncom'
Initialising 'win32ui'
   "my program output here"
Terminating 'win32ui'
Terminating 'pythoncom'
Terminating 'pywintypes'

I don't understand how or why I am getting the Initialsing/Terminating
messages.  My script doesn't utilize and win32 extensions.  I've also
commented out the entire contents of extensions_win32.ini which I
thought would eliminate freezing any win32 extension stuff.  I've
looked thought the make file and I don't see any references to win32
source, objs, libs, etc.

I've even done a "grep" on the win32 extension source and cannot find
the "Initialising" message as it appears on my screen when I run the
frozen script.

Any tips, hints would be appreciated.

Charles E. Medcoff, MCP
Principal Engineer
Pyramid Solutions
1850 Research Drive
Suite 300
Troy, MI 48083
248-524-3892 ext 262


Message: 2
From: Toby Dickenson <mbel44 at>
To: "Charles Medcoff" <cmedcoff at>
Cc: <win32-reg-users at>
Subject: Re: [win32all] freeze and win32 extensions
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 15:53:00 +0100
Reply-To: tdickenson at

Suprisingly, thats not generated the win32 extensions. Have a look at
frozen_dllmain.c in the python sources.

Toby Dickenson
tdickenson at


Message: 3
From: "Charles Medcoff" <cmedcoff at>
To: <tdickenson at>
Cc: <win32-reg-users at>
Subject: Re: [win32all] freeze and win32 extensions
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 11:36:08 -0400

Never thought to look in the python source.

Baffling?! Why would that be in there?  Some left over debugging code?
If I understand it correctly it isn't even right.  The printf gets
called even if it doesn't find the DLL entry point; that is to say that
an extension isn't even used.

I suppose the fix is to just comment it out in the source.  Should this
be reported as a bug so that it gets fixed in the python

----- Original Message -----
From: "Toby Dickenson" <mbel44 at>
To: "Charles Medcoff" <cmedcoff at>
Cc: <win32-reg-users at>
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [win32all] freeze and win32 extensions

I would say so.  I see the same thing with 1.5.2 when freezing a
trivial non-win32 program.

Phil Mayes               pmayes at
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