Incompatible .pyd files with Python 2.0 (and win32comm)

Peter Hansen peter at
Wed Oct 18 01:40:27 EDT 2000

I'm afraid I haven't followed carefully the discussions regarding the
incompatibility between dynamically-loaded extension modules (.pyd
files) with Python 1.5.2 and BeOpen Python 2.0.

Is it really the case that *all* old .pyd files will need to be
recompiled from source, *with* source modifications (because of an API
change?), in order to work with 2.0?

If so, how much effort will this be for the authors of modules without
released source?  I would think this change may relegate a number of
older modules to the dustbin of history, if their authors are not
actively supporting them any more.

I'm thinking specifically of the win32commc.pyd file with the win32comm
module by <wheineman at> (this is NOT the same as the win32com
module in PythonWin, but is a SWIGged wrapper, for the Win32 serial port
DLL, for which I haven't found source), and the 'calldll' module from
Sam Rushing.

Peter Hansen

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