wxPython for Python 2.0

Robin Dunn robin at alldunn.com
Wed Oct 18 00:53:28 EDT 2000

I've been getting several queries about when wxPython will be ready for
Python 2.0 final.  Here's the scoop:

I'm in the process of getting release 2.2.2 ready to go and I'll make
binaries for both 1.5.2 and 2.0.  Should be ready in a day or two or

In the meantime, the 2.2.1 win32 binary I did for Python 2.0b1 works fine
with Python 2.0 final and the sources for 2.2.1 should build fine with
2.0final on other platforms (although I havn't tried it yet.)

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin at AllDunn.com
http://wxPython.org     Java give you jitters?
http://wxPROs.com        Relax with wxPython!

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