How do you create constants?

marc cheatham marcc at
Sat Oct 28 13:27:17 EDT 2000

For safety. I like knowing there is no way for myself or anyone else can
modify this value at run time. These types of bugs can be very hard to
find, especially in large projects. By making them immutable you avoid
the problem of someone modifying your constant, you always know what
that value will be.

I do not like global variables and only use them when I have no other
choice. With Python it seems you are forced to use global variables as
constants which opens yourself up to lots of potential problems. I think
this is one of the few drawbacks of Python. A good discussion on global
variables can be found in "Code Complete" by Steve McConnell.

I also agree with Fredrik, this and enums would be a very features to
add to Python 2.2

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> Tom Wright wrote:
> > shame they cant be made immutable once they have been set,
> > feature for 2.1 ??? ;-)
> can you explain why you think you need immutable
> "constants"?
> </F>

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