
etsang at etsang at
Mon Oct 30 13:48:42 EST 2000


I currently have the following problem:
Python has the limit for either the number of arguments or size of the

Try in ~isup/ctftest/si/problem directory.
Try si_tc_S20/  as the test case.

At line 12270 if a line is commented out then tests are running else it
complains as
per follow :
CTF  : Error in function see traceback for details

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "", line 1311, in executeCmd
  exec("import %s"%importFile);
  File "<string>", line 1, in ?
  File "si_tc/si_tc_S20/", line 90, in ?
  from SILIB_IAM_MAO import *
  SystemError: com_addbyte: byte out of range (line 12265)
SiTcC2025Tst   UNRES   Execution stopped due to python exception

It error message similar to a post earlier on regarding com_addbyte has
some issue in dealing with a tuple more than 64k.
But I am not too sure how this is related o importing SILIB_IAM_MAO.
At the eman time, I am thinking of breaking SILIB_IAM_MAO  into
multiple ones, but is there are workaround without breaking

I am currently ysing python 1.5.2 for Solaris.

If I can get around without breaking SILIB_IAM_MAO, it will save a lot
of trouble!!

thanks a million.

> if got a script which defines a big tuple > 64k entries.
> After the tuple I define a for loop.
> The compile of this script causes a SystemError : com_addbyte out of
> range.

> Is there any way around this now or in future versions, other than
> to try to change the script layout until it compiles ?

I expect this will be fixed in Python 2.0. Charles Waldman has a patch
to fix it. I believe there is still some discussion about how exactly
to fix it, but not about whether to fix it.


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