Programmer-Wanna-Be (Is Python for me?)

JTC Murphy jm at
Thu Oct 12 13:48:25 EDT 2000

>Whoa.  This is something I haven't come across before!  I realize it
>take me a lot of time and effort to learn Python, but in the end I
>envisioned the fruits of my labor to be self-sufficient applications
>would be executable on Windows (or other OS's).  

In that case you need Delphi... (which is Pascal based and therefore
also has a decent underlying language).

>Is this a major issue 

It is for a VB app - the only way you can /guarantee/ a VB app will
work is to ship the VB run time and all supporting controls etc with a
suitable installation program. 

Even more sadly the setup tools that come with VB do not always succeed
in producing one (we write VB for a living and we don't use them).

So... you may as well go with Python again (-:


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