CPython vs. Jython/JPython

Delaney, Timothy tdelaney at avaya.com
Mon Oct 30 22:05:21 EST 2000

The BDFL has spoken :)

The real question which was posed I guess is "why can't they be maintained
by the same people?" To which the answer would have to be that the CPython
people have a limited amount of time, the two projects require different
areas of expertise, and that the source trees really cannot share

Tim Delaney
Avaya Australia

> The key difference between CPython and JPython is not speed, but
> available extensions.  CPython is useful as a glue language for C/C++
> If only CPython existed, linking to Java code would be very
> cumbersome: you'd have to wrap a JVM in a CPython extension and take
> it from there.  If only JPython existed, linking to C/C++ code would
> be impossible (in situations where JNI is not available) or at best
> cumbersome (wrapping C/C++ code in JNI is much more painful than
> writing Python wrappers, because of the JVM's garbage collector).

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