Gnuplot and Python on Windows

Richard Muller rpm at
Tue Oct 3 16:43:32 EDT 2000

I'm having a hard time getting the Gnuplot-1.4 module to work in the
Windows version of Python 1.5.2. I've installed the win32all module, as
well as pgnuplot.exe. I'm still seeing the following error message:

Please press return to continue...
Please press return to continue...
gnuplot> set title "A simple example"
gnuplot> set data style linespoints
gnuplot> plot 'c:\windows\TEMP\~-1563933-1' notitle
gnuplot> reset
gnuplot> set title "Data can be computed by python or gnuplot"
gnuplot> set xlabel "x"
gnuplot> set ylabel "x squared"
gnuplot> plot x**2 title "calculated by gnuplot",
'c:\windows\TEMP\~-1563933-2' title "calculated by python" with points 3
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "", line 129, in ?
  File "", line 80, in demo
    g.ylabel('x^2') # take advantage of enhanced postscript mode
  File "", line 1273, in ylabel
    self.set_string('ylabel', s)
  File "", line 1263, in set_string
    self('set %s "%s"' % (option, s))
  File "", line 1095, in __call__
  File "", line 100, in __call__
    self.write(s + '\n')
IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

I never see a plot.

Can anyone offer any helpful suggestions on how I should proceed to get
this to work? Thanks in advance.


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