Lambda Forms Question

Scott Weisel sweisel at
Wed Oct 18 20:13:53 EDT 2000

I'm working with Python on a school project and while I was reading the
documentation I was quite surprised to find out that Python has some
features of Lisp.  Since we're using Scheme, a variant of Lisp in class, I
was hoping to use the Lisp feature in Python, but I'm having trouble
implementing it.  

The example that the online documentation gives is
def make_incrementor(n):
         return lambda x, incr=n: x+incr
which returns a function.  Is there any way to write the program so a value
is returned, rather than a function.  

Also, how do I write the functions by themselves.  I wrote
lambda x: x*x
but I have no way to call it. 

Any advice would be appreciated
Thanks in advance

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