C's syntax

Steve Horne sh at ttsoftware.co.uk
Thu Oct 26 11:54:10 EDT 2000

On Thu, 26 Oct 2000 11:22:52 +1100, "Delaney, Timothy"
<tdelaney at avaya.com> wrote:

>commonly. Every decent programmer learns which mistakes are the ones s/he
>makes most frequently and how to identify them. It's just that the =/==
>mistake is one of the most common typos, and hence the one which gets talked
>about most.

I have been programming professionally for years, and still make this
mistake regularly because I frequently use a number of languages. I
also confuse the C != with the ada /= on occasion.

In an application scripting language I wrote a while back, I used ==
and :=, and made = on its own a syntax error - to hopefully prevent
all confusion. Sadly, due to time constraints, the error reporting got
skipped and it really doesn't help :-(

Steve Horne
sh at ttsoftware.co.uk

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