Python loves LDAP again....

Jørgen Teunis jorgen at
Tue Oct 17 08:55:43 EDT 2000

So. After this beautiful rainy day... i spend a lot of time trying to instert a person into, the wonderfull Netscape Messaging LDAP server 4....

And guess what........ although all the support from you all. I didn't managed to get it work.....

So now i've a piece of code, maybe you can take a look at it. Don't blame me for some mistakes, because this is totaly new for me.

If i use this code:
l.add_s("o=bos, c=nl",[("objectclass","person"),  ("sn","Belletje"), ("cn","Pietje bel")])

I get back the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 42, in ?
    l.add_s("o=bos, c=nl",[("objectclass","person"),  ("sn","Belletje"), ("cn","Pietje bel")])
ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS: {'desc': 'Already exists'}

So, after reading this. you would think that i allready have a person named Pietje bel, but that's not true.
You might also want to say: check you're SCHEME, if there is a objectclass named person. The answer is YES.

SO Is there ANYBODY who can just give me a good example how to add a person to an LDAP server........ i would appriciate that!

I hope at many good reactions from you all


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