VMusic 2.0 CD Cataloging program released

Cameron Laird claird at starbase.neosoft.com
Sat Oct 28 13:44:57 EDT 2000

In article <pycola.972664212.54615 at vision.maze.invalid>,
Bob van der Poel  <bvdpoel at uniserve.com> wrote:
>of your CD music collection easy. The program was originally
>written in TCL/TK. This release is entirely rewritten in
>Python using the Tkinter toolkit -- it's much faster and
>much more easy to maintain.
I'd love to hear technical details about Tcl/Tk vs. Tkinter
that resulted in such dramatic differences.  I often work
with Tk and its relatives, and I'm very interested to learn
more about how to get the most from them.

Cameron Laird <claird at NeoSoft.com>
Business:  http://www.Phaseit.net
Personal:  http://starbase.neosoft.com/~claird/home.html

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