[ANNOUNCE] cCopy 0.2

Robin Becker robin at jessikat.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Oct 11 13:29:18 EDT 2000

In article <etdbswrz992.fsf at nerd-xing.mit.edu>, Alex <the_brain at mit.edu>
>> Copying is obviously not very popular with pythoneers as only one
>> response was received about the utility or otherwise of speeding it
>> up.
>You should judge more by your web server logs than the response here.
>My own experience suggests there are a lot of shy people lurking
>here. (Well, I would count as one of them, in your case. :)
If my crappy, about to go broke ISP, allowed such things I would check.
I am monetarily constrained so use the cheapest available option.  
Robin Becker

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