Sybase DB-Client module searched

Daniel Hops daniel.hops at
Wed Oct 11 02:40:00 EDT 2000

I am looking for a python module to let me connect to a sybase 11
I already downloaded ctsybasemodule0.1b-r4, but I don't understand how
to install it.
It looks like I have to recompile python to get it working, which is not
very easy, as our Sysops
dont support python and I had to fight to install it in my /home dir.
Isn't there any other choice or other module which lets me contact
sybase servers?

Daniel Hops

The passage that I dont understand / which dont works follows (I think
it has to be used in the
compilation process of python). Isnt there any option for which I dont
have to recompile python?
"To install ctsybasemodule, add a line like the following to your

ctsybase dbi.c ctsybasemodule.c -I$(SYBASE)/include -L$(SYBASE)/lib
-lblk -l
ct -lcs -lsytcl -lcomn -lintl -ltli # -linsck

Recompile python, and you should be all set.  I don't know if this
works as a dynamically loadable module.  I'd love to hear about it one
way or the other. "

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