plagued by IOError: [Errno 0]?

Donn Cave donn at
Thu Oct 26 12:29:45 EDT 2000

Bill Janssen wrote:
| I'm running a server that periodically, and unpredictably, keeps
| getting an IOError when opening a file.  But the Errno is 0!  What
| does this mean, and how can I get rid of it?
| I'm running on a Solaris 2.6 SPARC system, and the files being opened
| are relatively large (3.4 MB) on NFS-mounted file systems.  Python 1.5.2.
| IOError: [Errno 0] Error: '/docRepository/NewRepoDoc/1'
| I'm doing an "open(fname, 'r')".

This should not happen, of course.  If you have a system error reporting
facility (I don't know Solaris), that would be one place to check for
an explanation.

The only thing I can guess your program could do is "try again".  I would
be tempted to get away from the file object I/O, because it's implemented
on C stdio and inherits problems typical of C software.  But that's long
odds, and probably not worth it if the input is going to be line oriented
or otherwise unsuitable for posix I/O.

	Donn Cave, donn at

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