CPython vs. Jython/JPython

Rodrigo Senra rodsenra at correionet.com.br
Mon Oct 30 18:37:44 EST 2000

D-Man wrote:
> Java's implementation (from Sun) is proprietary.  However, you can get a compiled version for free.
> There are also other implementations (gcj allows compiling to native machine code,  kaffe provides a bytecode compiler and VM -- for Linux at least

In addition to the excellent arguments already presented, CPython
can be built on solid ground (C is *stable*). A exclusively
Python implementation over non-proprietary JVM (like kaffe,
gcj,etc) could mean builting it over moving sands. I stress
my respect for those efforts, nevertheless they are miles away
from C's stability. IMHO, such a decision (strict Python/Java impl.)
could force us to stop developing Python itself to work *hard*
in the underground.


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Rodrigo Senra           Home Page: http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~921234
rodsenra at correionet.com.br    (OU|or)   Rodrigo.Senra at ic.unicamp.br
Engenheiro de Computação @ GPr Sistemas Ltda  http://www.gpr.com.br
Mestrando (MSc Student) IC - UNICAMP   Tema: Reflexão Computacional

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