Request for Python Source Code

Dirk-Ulrich Heise hei at
Wed Oct 11 03:51:36 EDT 2000

"Dave Brueck" <dbrueck at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.971190983.20602.python-list at
> >I suppose (this is just an assumption) that Simoney invented it
> >in the 70ies when writing assembler code. There, it might make sense
> >to prefix a name of a variable with a type prefix.
> >It doesn't make much sense from C upwards.
> Really? It's probably _most_ useful in a language like C where the
> programmer is allowed to abuse data types at will, sometimes without so
> as a warning from the compiler. Because it's largely the programmer's
> responsibility to keep track of whether something is an int or a pointer,
> for example, having that information contained in the variable name can be
> pretty handy.

Funny. The compilers i use can distinguish between an int
and a pointer. You're sure we talk about the same language?
Dipl.Inform. Dirk-Ulrich Heise
hei at
dheise at

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