
Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Fri Oct 20 04:11:54 EDT 2000

"Rainer Deyke" <root at> wrote in message
news:9_PH5.99786$g6.44454168 at
> "LONNIE" <LONNIET at PRODIGY.NET> wrote in message
> news:8soeic$57gs$2 at
> >
> > I have been teaching myself python for about a month now for the simple
> > reason that I have read alot of literature that says that its easy to
> > from python to c++. I was just wondering if this was true also I have
> > teaching myself from online tutorials but I have been looking for a good
> > book to go along with the literature that I have downloaded so far any
> > suggestions would be nice.
> C++ is just plain difficult.  If C++ is your goal, either C or Java might
> a good intermediate language.  Both are both simple enough for beginners
> learn (although not as simple as Python).

If C++ is your goal, then, after you've used Python to learn programming
reasonably well, you may as well jump right into C++ with the aid of a
good tutorial (I suggest Lippman and Lajoie's -- by far the best IMHO;
it's published by Addison-Wesley).  C++ is *horrendously* difficult (its
main defect, again IMHO), but it ain't going to get any easier by
spending lots of time and energy on typical C issues ("how do I get
around the lack of automatic this and that and the other" when C++
does have such automatisms) and/or Java issues ("how do I get around
the lack of multiple inheritance, templates, ..." when C++ does
have such features) is not going to make C++ any easier.

There's a widespread opinion that C is best learned before C++ since
the latter is 'descended' from the former.  I equate that to saying
that Saxon should be learned before English...


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