Coerce and multimethods (was Re: Inefficiency of __getattr__)

Martin von Loewis loewis at
Tue Oct 3 11:04:06 EDT 2000

hzhu at (Huaiyu Zhu) writes:

> That would make it quite useless in my case. Yet the simple do-nothing
> __coerce__ still consumes as much time as the actual computation, although
> __getattr__ uses 6 times more.

In your case, the most efficient implementation would be

  def __coerce__(self, other):
    return (0,0)

Then, it won't invoke another __add__ on any object - which is ok,
since your __add__ would return None, anyway :-)

> Sometime ago there was a brief discussion of multimethods here.  The idea is
> that a+b will be dependent on the classes/types of both a and b.  I did not
> quite understand it at the time.  But now it looks to me like that
> __coerce__ is simply an awkward way of doing it half-heartedly.

Well, coercion is intended to do just that: coerce the arguments to a
common type. In arithmethic operations, it is an elegant way to deal
with the subset/superset problem. Since

  Natural \subset Rational \subset Real \subset Complex

it is straight-forward to assume that number-like objects support

> In another thread yesterday someone suggested a three way coerce, using the
> operation as a third argument to fine tune the coersion.  That would still
> leave out the info about the original operands, though.  A multimethod would
> solve all these in a much cleaner way.

I don't understand. If you want to operate on the original operands,
you don't need any coercion...

> Short of that, maybe we should propose to use __coerce__ only for builin
> (numeric) types and explicit coerce calls?  

No, that would be a significant change, breaking compatibility.

> What are the most significant applications that use coerce, anyway?

Numerical types, i.e. objects implementing __add__, __mul__, and so
on.  If your type is not numerical, perhaps it should not provide an

In any case, contributions to are welcome.


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