scanf in python...?

Greg Jorgensen gregj at
Tue Oct 17 01:53:46 EDT 2000

"Tony Waterman" <tonyw54 at> wrote in message
news:39ebd839.159714 at news...
> Does python have any way to mimic scanf ? I just bought Python on
> Win32 and I can't find anything in there about it, or on the
> html tutorial. Also; how many ways to mimic scanf are
> there?

scanf is necessary in C because C is a statically-typed language. Python is
dynamically typed--names can represent any type and change type at runtime.

You can use Pythons string functions and conversions to accomplish what you
would do with scanf in C:

# assume input lines: lastname firstname salary
total = 0.0
while 1:
    s = sys.stdin.readline()
    if not s:
    t = s.split()    # break s on whitespace into list of three elements
    total += float(t[2])    # convert salary to float, add to total

This technique will work with simple delimited input lines. You can handle
almost anything with regular expressions.

Greg Jorgensen
Deschooling Society
Portland, Oregon, USA
gregj at

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