Tkinter.PhotoImage question

Fredrik Lundh effbot at
Sun Oct 8 10:15:14 EDT 2000

Kent wrote:
> I would like to display image files onto labels and canvasses.  I noticed
> however, that if I call PhotoImage from within a function, no image will
> appear.  When I run the following code, a photo appears on the label but
> not the canvas, even though the lines and bitmap do appear.  Is this a
> Tkinter bug?  Is there a workaround?

You must keep a reference to the photoimage object.
For example:

    c = Tkinter.Canvas(f)
    c.photo2 = Tkinter.PhotoImage(file="lena.gif")
    c.create_image(10,10,anchor=Tkinter.NW, image=c.photo2)

for more info, see:


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