popen2.popen2,3,4 from Python 2.0 on NT 4.0 SP5

Jake Speed speed at ?.com
Thu Oct 26 09:28:27 EDT 2000

paul.moore at uk.origin-it.com (Paul Moore) wrote in 
<pgD4OQFJBU7O8bahLj3dTfEIjJXe at 4ax.com>:

>But to summarise, close the stdin pipe before reading from the stdout
>pipe. (Actually, in this case, if you aren't writing anything to
>stdin, why use popen2 at all?)

If you just use popen(cmd, "r"), won't it take stdin from the console?
I suppose you could use "echo | sqlplus user/pass @file"...
...or "rem | sqlplus user/pass @file" for Windows.


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