Ruby and Python

June Kim junaftnoon at
Thu Nov 16 10:07:30 EST 2000

"Peter Hansen" <peter at> wrote in message
news:3A13F552.4CBFF993 at
> June Kim wrote:
> >
> > I've read some comparisons between Ruby and Python from Ruby-centric
> > They estimate that four years will see Ruby overtake Python.
> "Four years"?  In the computer industry, and in terms of "Internet
> time", that's so far beyond anyone's ability to predict that it's an
> irrelevant claim.  Java was announced only five years ago and look where
> it is compared to all the claims made in the early days (although it's
> stood up remarkably well).
> > Has anyone used Ruby here? or are there some documents at least
unbiased --
> > yet,  Python-centric view would be okay if not too fictional.
> There are some unbiased views out there, if you just search (Try
> for example).
> I would judge it extremely unlikely that anything will "unseat" Python
> in the minds, hearts, and companies of many people for quite some time.
> That's because it is extremely effective, easy to learn and maintain,
> fun, powerful, flexible, and integrates so many different things
> together that it's not even funny.
> If you have practical reasons for needing Ruby (small memory space?) it
> would doubtless be a very good solution for you.  If you have no
> specific driving need for what Ruby gives you that Python does not,
> Python will, IMHO, be a far more suitable option.

So, may I ask you what you think are the strong points or specific usages
for Ruby
when compared with Python? I'd really appreciate it.

Best regards,


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