Need to add to ord and convert to chr

E. Charters echarters at
Mon Nov 6 19:15:52 EST 2000

You don't want wrap around when doing coding.
What you want to do is XOR the integer and xor again.
The trick is to produce a list of random integers.

Perl may be a better way to do this with the
C functions.

BTW when you discover the way to generate the
arbitrary integer, tell me about it and we will
go into business. :)

Did you know your CRT is a magnetometer? If you tune
it to put out a single point, that point's position
will vary with the variance of the magnetic field. A
led mask on the screen will read the position and produce
numbers according to a filter. A separate CRT is needed
for this. If the CRT is exposed to a varying mag field 
from a electromagnet that adjust its voltage according to
cosmic rays from a scintillometer then an old scint may 
function as a truly random number generator.


NetLinux Corp. Linux NetWorking Products E. Charters Pres. mailto:echarters at
  Phn. 416-429-7001 FAX 416-429-5422 CELL 416-616-4315
Box 324 Postal Stn. "P" 704 Spadina Ave. Toronto ON M5S-2S8

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