What is the differenace ?

Przemysław G. Gawroński gawron at obop.com.pl
Thu Nov 16 03:24:32 EST 2000

Lets say we have a class like this one:

class A:
	i = 1
	def __init__ (self):
		self.j = 2

When I create an object of such class (lets say v), calling dir( v ) I


but I can also access the variable i what is the difference between them
( i and j ) and why the variable i isn't listed ???

Thanks Przemek 

Przemysław G. Gawroński
Sekcja Systemu
Taylor Nelson Sofres OBOP
tel.: (0 22) 648 30 71
fax: (0 22) 644 99 47
mailto:P.Gawronski at obop.com.pl

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