MoinMoin vs ZWiki

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Nov 21 09:36:18 EST 2000

wade at wrote:
>   Peter Hansen <peter at> wrote:
> > You might provide a little hint as to your intended use so as to
> improve
> > the quality of the advice you receive.  Can't hurt... :)
> >
> Discussion and informal documentation for a geographically dispersed
> group of web application developers. We're using ASP and VBscript, so I
> really want Python to make a good showing. I don't think The Management
> would be receptive to using Zope in production, but you never know for
> sure until you try.

If Management is looking for something to criticize, you might stay away
from Zope just for a while.  Any problems with your implementation and
they could home in on Zope's relatively weak documentation and
architectural flaws and shove that in your face.  

On the other hand, here we're using it in a "production" environment for
a group of engineers, who have more rigorous requirements than a group
of web application developers would have.  Actually, the web app people
are using it too, but that's not my point.  We started with just the
ZWikis, but we've grown beyond that now, in a way that would have been
far more difficult if we hadn't started with Zope (not to mention that
some of the learning curve is now behind us.)  For example, after the
period of informal documentation and discussion has carried on for a
while, would it be possible you would now want a structured requirements
tracking system, or even a bug/issue tracking system?  Or would you want
to add more sophisticated security?  If you are dead certain what you
describe is *all* you'll need, well okay, but otherwise use Zope.

It's also interesting you mention "web app", since Zope is itself an
excellent example of a web app (or a framework for them).  Why use a
stand-alone limited tool when you can go get the whole OS?  (I know the
answer to that, and there are many valid ones, but I'm just trying to
stir your imagination here. :-)

Finally, as you mention ASP and VBscript, I have this to say (in
addition to cringing, and starting to scratch rabidly): Zope kicks their
asp.  You should have little problem demonstrating that Python holds its
own, and more, amongst such platform-specific and >shudder< awful tools.

> Thanks --

Welcome --

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